Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Attention Grabbed

OK, so God got my attention BIG TIME!

With my latest decision to "Just Say No", God apparently decided that waiting to start in a few weeks was not soon enough, so He sent Paul to the hospital via an ambulance Sunday night.

Yeah, you read that right.

Paul has been suffering from major sinus issues since the cottonwoods started blooming. Surprisingly, however he did not go to the doctor. I know you find it hard to believe with how proactive he can be when it comes to his health.

Well for me, Sunday was the last straw. I told him he could not attend the family birthday party unless he went to urgent care to see a doctor and get a prescription. You know given that his nose has tripled in size over the last four weeks. Kinda thought something might need to be addressed. Call me crazy. I mean I realize that I don't have a medical degree, but seriously.

Anyway, off he went. Got the prescription. Took the meds. Left for the movies. On the road to recovery. Yeah, not so much.

He leaned over during the movie and said the meds were making him sick. He returned 2o minutes later reporting he had been throwing up but thought he was good. Twenty minutes later off he went again.

Greg took him home.

When I got home with the kids, he told me he had blacked out in the bathroom, but thought he was improving because the time between episodes was getting longer. He tried to drink some juice. OOPS. Root Beer. Yeah not so much.

When I finally got the kids to bed, he seemed better. Next thing I know. I hear what sounded like a boulder coming through the ceiling. I ran upstairs to find Paul passed out on the bedroom floor.

I tried to wake him for a good 10 to 15 minutes. NOTHING. I called 911. They arrived to him awake, but I could not get him back in bed. They did. Took his vitals. Yeah not so great. Blood Pressure 96/47. No vein for an IV. Completely dehydrated.

After the trauma subsided and Paul was resting comfortably, we learned that he was given a double dose of his antibiotic.

You can imagine how well that sat with me.

My lesson in all of the stress-LIVE EVERY MINUTE TO THE FULLEST!


So, if I am busy with my family...The world is taking a back seat. Starting yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gracious!!! We'll be praying for him!! Is he feeling better?

Walking in the Light

Wow! This year year has been a whirlwind to say the least. I am shocked we are near the half way point in February. Part of me wants to dance. If the start of the year is any indication of how it is going to go, I am happy it's flying by. I will usher in 2009 with bells and whistles.

Yet, I am humbly reminded that every day is a gift, and I need to walk in the Light. I need to let Him guide me through each day. I need to listen to His still, quiet voice...Yeah I know for me that's a stretch. I'm never still long enough to catch my breath.

As I write this, our dear neighbor of ten years is fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am awed by the faith she has in God. I am humbled by the fight she has within her to beat the demon we know as cancer. Hunter, in his six year old wisdom said to me, "Mommy, why are you sad? We are just going to pray and Jesus is going to make her better." The faith of a child and the living testimony of one who is dwelling in God's amazing grace reminds me to walk daily in the His unfailing light.