Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friendly Competition

OK, so it's no secret I am competitive.

Early in our marriage, Paul and I had to set boundaries when it came to playing games with other couples. The need arose, when Paul discovered that he had married Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde. We were playing an innocent game of pictionary when the realization hit. We, therefore, did not play games together for many, many months.

It saved the marriage I'm sure.

But it begs the question, what is the purpose of playing something if not to win? Another time and another place.

Fast forward to the present. I have been blogging since February. I love it. Given my OCD behavior, it also tends to be addictive. Thus, I have to temper how much time I spend doing it.

Paul, early in my blogging adventure, started a blog of his own. But it sort of fizzled. He started out enthusiastic about developing a "creative chef blog." His goal was to chronicle his adventures in the kitchen, to share cooking tips, and to amuse his readers with his stories. But, as I said, it fizzled a bit. Until recently...

He has started up again. Can I tell you the competitive demon has resurfaced in me. After two weeks of blogging, he has passed me in reader "hits." How do I know? I check the sitemeters of each blog twice a day-of course.



Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I knew there was a reason I liked your blog! Must be because we sound a LOT alike! My brother in law still is hesitant about playing games with me because of games played early in our marriage! I must look at your hubby's blog! Sorry :)

Angie Lynn said...

LOVE it and "how DARE he"! ;) I noticed no link to his blog was provided in your post. Very strategic move!

Ali said...

But you have a much better playlist!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Take a look at my blog I just passed you an award! Go ahead rub it in hubby's face!! LOL

heychefpw said...

A better playlist?!!

Alas, the artist is still misunderstood?!?1

Walking in the Light

Wow! This year year has been a whirlwind to say the least. I am shocked we are near the half way point in February. Part of me wants to dance. If the start of the year is any indication of how it is going to go, I am happy it's flying by. I will usher in 2009 with bells and whistles.

Yet, I am humbly reminded that every day is a gift, and I need to walk in the Light. I need to let Him guide me through each day. I need to listen to His still, quiet voice...Yeah I know for me that's a stretch. I'm never still long enough to catch my breath.

As I write this, our dear neighbor of ten years is fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am awed by the faith she has in God. I am humbled by the fight she has within her to beat the demon we know as cancer. Hunter, in his six year old wisdom said to me, "Mommy, why are you sad? We are just going to pray and Jesus is going to make her better." The faith of a child and the living testimony of one who is dwelling in God's amazing grace reminds me to walk daily in the His unfailing light.