Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, phase one, of what has potential to end in complete disaster or utter beauty, will begin this Saturday.

We are redoing much of the bottom layer of our house. Pretty cool, right!? I'm not so sure. I know the parts that Steve will do will be great. However, Paul and I have decided to do some of the work ourselves.

This has the potential to be a disaster. After 14 years of marriage, we can now finally be in the kitchen at the same time. Working on a home improvement project could be risky. The last time we did a project together, I did the prep work. He swooped in slapped a couple of practice sponge strokes on the wall and pronounced himself ready to go. EXCUSE ME!

Not this time buddy. We are working the entire project TOGETHER. We are stripping and staining the cabinets. SCARY I know! Adding hardware to them. Could be a disaster I'm sure.

Steve will do all the really hard stuff you know extending the hardwood floors to the front door, adding the deck, and the granite.

We can't wait or can we? Time will tell. I will post the before and after and along the way so that you can share in the horror, humor and of course the finished product.

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Walking in the Light

Wow! This year year has been a whirlwind to say the least. I am shocked we are near the half way point in February. Part of me wants to dance. If the start of the year is any indication of how it is going to go, I am happy it's flying by. I will usher in 2009 with bells and whistles.

Yet, I am humbly reminded that every day is a gift, and I need to walk in the Light. I need to let Him guide me through each day. I need to listen to His still, quiet voice...Yeah I know for me that's a stretch. I'm never still long enough to catch my breath.

As I write this, our dear neighbor of ten years is fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am awed by the faith she has in God. I am humbled by the fight she has within her to beat the demon we know as cancer. Hunter, in his six year old wisdom said to me, "Mommy, why are you sad? We are just going to pray and Jesus is going to make her better." The faith of a child and the living testimony of one who is dwelling in God's amazing grace reminds me to walk daily in the His unfailing light.